Hancock County Birth Index

Coon - Coot

These records were transcribed by Cindy Jones from the WPA Index to Birth Records, Hancock Co., Indiana. These records were compiled by the Indiana Works Progress Administration in 1938. The index includes letters A-Z for the years 1882-1920.
Child's Name Father's Name Mother's Name Sex Color Date of Birth Place of Birth Book Page
Coon A. ng M W 27 June 1892 Green Twp. H-4 427
Coon A. Anna Reed M W 4 Oct 1892 Hancock Co. H-4 340
Coon A. A. F. Rebecca ng M W 19 Feb 1889 Wilkinson H-3 538
Coon Ahur ng Vandyne F W 12 Dec 1889 Green Twp. H-4 57
Coon Alonzo Daisy Cain M W 3 June 1920 Shirley H-14 11
Coon Alva ng Brown M w 31 Aug 1895 Wilkinson H-5 449
Coon Dallas F. Martindale M W 14 June 1898 Charlottsville H-6 318
Coon Geo. W. Eliza Brooks M W 24 Dec 1888 ng H-3 509
Coon Geo. W. Eliza J. Brooks ng ng 16 Apr 1887 Wilkinson H-3 207
Coon Geo. W. ng M W 15 June 1894 Wilkinson H-5 252
Coon Geo. W. Eliza Brooks M W 15 July 1892 Wilkinson H-4 437
Coon George Eliza J. Brooks F W 17 Aug 1882 Brown Twp. H-1 90
Coon J. Martha Milspaugh M W 15 Jan 1886 Sugar Creek H-3 162
Coon Jessie Caroline Burris M W 1 Mar 1882 Brown Twp. H-1 62
Coon Jessie Caroline Burris F W 9 Mar 1884 Jackson Twp. H-1 212
Coon John ng M W 19 Mar 1896 Jackson Twp. H-5 535
Coon John W. Martha A. Sargen M W 14 July 1886 Hancock Co. H-3 41
Coon Joseph Martha Millspaus M W 27 June 1895 Gem H-5 429
Coon Joseph ng F W 27 Aug 1893 Sugar Creek H-5 128
Coon L. A. Clara A. Brown M W 3 Aug 1890 Wilkinson H-4 144
Coon Oliver ng Vandine F W 30 Mar 1897 Hancock Co. H-6 115
Coon, Freda M. Raymond Florence Williams F W 6 July 1920 Shirley H-14 11
Coon, Wm. R. Geo. W. Eliza J. Brooks M W 16 Apr 1887 Wilkinson H-3 206
Coonch E. ng Moneyhun M W 16 Mar 1905 Fortville H-10 10
Cooney F. B. Annie Myers F W 6 July 1893 Greenfield ng 117
Cooney F. B. Annie Myers M W 6 July 1893 Greenfield H-5 117
Cooney F. B. Annie Myers M W 6 July 1893 Greenfield CH-18 13
Cooney F. B. Annie Myers F W 6 July 1893 Greenfield CH-18 13
Cooney F. G. Ida Love M W 1 Dec 1893 Greenfield CH-18 13
Cooney F. G. Ida Love M W 1 Dec 1893 Greenfield CH-18 13
Cooney F. G. Ida Love M W 1 Dec 1893 Greenfield H-5 164
Cooney Fenton Ida Love F W 30 Jan 1892 Greenfield CH-18 7
Cooney Fenton Ida Love F W 30 Jan 1892 Greenfield H-4 323
Cooney H. ng Stutesman F W 17 Sept 1895 Greenfield CH-18 20
Cooney H. M. ng Dicker M W 9 July 1895 Greenfield CH-18 19
Cooney Harry Laura Stutesman M W 15 Apr 1898 Center Twp. H-6 285
Cooney Henry Laura Stutsman F W 25 Nov 1902 Hancock Co. H-13 17
Cooney Henry Laura Stutesman F W 17 Sept 1895 Greenfield H-5 454
Cooney Henry Laura Stutsman M W 11 June 1900 Center Twp. H-8 12
Cooney Henry ng Stutsman F W 5 Sept 1905 Buck Creek H-10 21
Cooney W. H. Iretose F W 5 June 1902 Indiana H-9 11
Cooney William Harrea Ireton F W 10 July 1903 Greenfield H-13 29
Cooney William Hanna Ireton F W 5 June 1902 Greenfield H-13 9
Cooney William Nannah Irnton M W 29 July 1897 Greenfield H-6 174
Cooney William Hanna Netose M W 27 Aug 1900 Greenfield H-8 17
Cooney Wm. ng Ireton M W 29 July 1897 Greenfield CH-18 27
Cooney Wm. Hannah Ireton F W 10 Feb 1907 Greenfield H-9 27
Cooney, Bertha William Hannah Ireton F W 28 Nov 1894 Greenfield CH-18 17
Cooney, Bertha Wm. Hannah Ireton F W 28 Nov 1894 Greenfield H-5 350
Cooney, Emanuel C. Clarence Minnie Bain M W 9 Oct 1914 Greenfield CH-20 13
Cooney, Esther M. Marsia Danna D. Cooney F W 22 Jan 1915 Greenfield CH-20 15
Cooney, Joseph C. Edward L. Nellie Scott M W 17 Nov 1819 Greenfield CH-22 10
Cooney, Ruth K. Wm. ng Ireton F W 10 Feb 1907 Greenfield H-10 46
Cooney, Silva I. Harry M. Lora A. Stuchman F W 27 July 1909 Greenfield CH-19 24
Cooney, Vera Harry M. Laura A. Stuckman F W 18 Aug 1917 Greenfield H-15 125
Cooney, Vera Harvey N. Laura A. Stuchman F W 18 Aug 1917 Greenfield CH-20 32
Coons, Bessie M. A. A. Jennie Jordan F W 12 Feb 1891 Wilkinson H-4 230
Cooper D. ng Johnson F W 22 Sept 1904 Hancock Co. H-13 52
Cooper D. H. Rosa Johnson F W 25 May 1892 Indiana H-4 417
Cooper Daniel ng Johnson M W 1 Aug 1893 Vernon Twp. H-5 120
Cooper Daniel Rosa Johnson F W 30 Apr 1895 Vernon Twp. H-5 412
Cooper E. J. M. E. Wood M W 10 Jan 1885 Maxwell H-2 2
Cooper E. W. Mary E. Roberts M W 21 Sept 1889 Center Twp. H-4 30
Cooper E. W. M. C. Roberts F W 29 Nov 1892 Center Twp. H-4 353
Cooper E. W. Mary E. Roberts M W 18 Nov 1887 Center Twp. H-3 311
Cooper Edgar W. M. E. Roberts M W 19 May 1883 Maxwell H-1 146
Cooper Enos B. Louisa Myers F W 9 July 1888 Jackson Twp. H-3 431
Cooper G. H. Geo. H. Bottsford M W 10 Jan 1902 Indiana H-9 10
Cooper Geo. L. M. Bottsford F W 7 June 1891 Greenfield CH-18 2
Cooper Geo. B. Sarah E. Walsmith F W 3 Mar 1889 Center Twp. H-3 546
Cooper Geo. B. S. E. Walsmith M W 1 Apr 1894 Center Twp. H-5 226
Cooper Geo. H. Lottay M. Bottsford M W 10 Dec 1893 Greenfield CH-18 13
Cooper Geo. H. ng Bottsford M W 25 Nov 1896 Greenfield H-6 77
Cooper Geo. H. ng Bottsford M W 25 Nov 1896 Greenfield CH-18 25
Cooper Geo. H. Lottie M. Bottsford M W 10 Dec 1893 Greenfield H-5 163
Cooper Geo. W. Lotta M. Bottsford F W 7 June 1891 Greenfield CH-18 5
Cooper Geo. W. L. M. Bottsford F W 7 June 1891 Greenfield H-4 673
Cooper Ira Vina Roberts M W 10 Nov 1885 Hancock Co. H-2 24
Cooper J. W. Flora B. Thomas M W 5 Aug 1890 Greenfield CH-18 1
Cooper J. W. Flora B. Thomas ng ng 5 Aug 1890 Greenfield H-4 147
Cooper James M. Bell Henderson F W 7 Apr 1885 ng H-2 10
Cooper Jas. Belle Henderson M W 8 Oct 1886 Greene H-3 103
Cooper Jas. M. Laura Henderson M W 16 Nov 1894 Green Twp. H-5 354
Cooper John A. Dora L. Reedy M W 22 Dec 1895 Maxwell H-5 496
Cooper John C. ng Morrison M W 26 Dec 1899 Wilkinson H-6 532
Cooper John C. ng Morrison F W 1 Apr 1906 Hancock Co. H-10 32
Cooper Joseph P. Lucinda P. Myers M W 7 June 1887 Jackson Twp. H-3 226
Cooper Lumar Bell Paxton F W 27 Feb 1903 Brown Twp. H-13 21
Cooper ng Vina Roberts F W 2 Nov 1910 Center Twp. H-11 61
Cooper ng Maggie A. Cooper M W 10 Feb 1897 Maxwell H-6 96
Cooper Ora Seaper V. Roberts M W 2 June 1897 Maxwell H-6 150
Cooper Ora ng Roberts M W 13 July 1888 Green Twp. H-3 431
Cooper P. ng Clark F W 15 May 1904 Maxwell H-13 44
Cooper P. H. Anna Clark M W 26 Feb 1889 Maxwell H-3 543
Cooper P. W. Anna Clark F W 17 Feb 1891 Maxwell H-4 232
Cooper Philander Anna Clark M W 12 Sept 1886 Maxwell H-3 87
Cooper Philander Anna Clark F W 10 Sept 1907 Center Twp. H-11 4
Cooper Phineas ng M W 1 Feb 1890 Jackson Twp. H-4 84
Cooper Sanford Nina Wheatly M W 31 Mar 1888 Vernon Twp. H-3 384
Cooper T. ng Paxton M W 24 Sept 1904 Hancock Co. H-13 52
Cooper W. C. Minnie Black F W 6 May 1897 Greenfield H-6 134
Cooper W. C. ng Black F W 6 May 1897 Greenfield CH-18 26
Cooper W. S. W. M. Black M W 28 July 1898 Greenfield Ch-18 31
Cooper Willard ng Roberts F W 12 May 1901 Center Twp. H-8 30
Cooper Willard Mary Roberts M W 9 June 1885 Maxwell H-2 14
Cooper William S. Minnie M. Black M W 28 July 1898 Greenfield H-6 330
Cooper Wm. H. Etta Moore M W 14 Apr 1882 Green Twp. H-1 70
Cooper Wm. S. Minnie Black F W 5 Mar 1893 Greenfield CH-18 11
Cooper Wm. S. Minnie Black F W 5 Mar 1893 Greenfield H-5 65
Cooper, Adolph B. D. M. ng Sears M W 20 Aug 1895 Wilkinson H-5 448
Cooper, Carl O. Orville Lizzie Boggs M W 13 Sept 1910 Greenfield CH-19 38
Cooper, Dorothy DeWitt C. Vera Southwids F W 20 May 1919 Greenfield CH-22 7
Cooper, Edward Jas. O. Mary E. Boggs M W 12 Feb 1908 Greenfield CH-19 4
Cooper, George M. David M. Ina M. Cooper M W 16 Oct 1908 Hancock Co. H-11 26
Cooper, Harriet E. Wm. Minnie Black F W 3 Aug 1895 Greenfield H-5 444
Cooper, Herman S. Ora C. Leali V. Cooper M W 26 May 1892 Indiana H-4 417
Cooper, Laura O. Lamar Emma O. Paxton F W 4 Oct 1913 Brown Twp. H-15 16
Cooper, Luther Ora S. R. Roberts M W 21 July 1890 Center Twp. H-4 137
Cooper, Mary E. Bert J. Ossie Kemesley F W 14 Oct 1912 Vernon Twp. H-11 99
Cooper, Mary E. Marsh P. Florence Newby F W 24 Dec 1908 Greenfield CH-19 18
Cooper, Mary L. Lamar H. Isabel Paxton F W 24 Feb 1918 Brown Twp. H-16 4
Cooper, May Willard ng Roberts F W 2 May 1903 Maxwell H-13 27
Cooper, Mildred L. Merdesa Cloe Shepler F W 14 June 1913 Center Twp. H-15 9
Cooper, Patricia L. Roy S. Goldie M. Ferris F W ng Greenfield CH-22 7
Cooper, Philip S. Sheldon Ruth Hilt M W 15 June 1919 Greenfield CH-22 7
Cooper, Raymond E. Lemar Emline I. Paxton M W 7 Nov 1919 Hancock Co. H-16 35
Cooper, Thomas F. Larmar H. Emeline I. Paxton M W 30 Oct 1910 Hancock Co. H-11 59
Cooper, Warren G. George Mable Bottsford M W 10 Jan 1902 Greenfield H-13 2
Coots Jeff ng Townsend M W 9 Feb 1902 Indiana H-7 6
A-Ak | Al | Am-An | Ap | Ar-Az
B-Ban | Bar-Baz | Be-Bh | Bi-Boi | Bol-Boy | Bra-Bre | Bri-Bro | Bru-Bz
C-Cap | Car | Cas-Ce | Ch-Cl | Ch-Cl | Cn-Col | Com-Cook | Coon-Cook | Cop-Coy | Cp-Cros | Crou-ng
D-Dau | Dav-Daz | De | Di | Do-Dr | Du-Dz
E-Ec | Ed-El | Em-Ez
F-Fa | Fe | Fi | Fl | Fo | Fr | Fu
G-Gar | Gas-Gi | Gl-Go | Gr-Grif | Grig-Gz
H-Ham | Han-Harp | Harr-Haw | Hay-Hend | Heni-Him | Hin-Holl | Holm-Hub | Huc-Hum | Hun-Hz
J-Jack | Jaco-Jay | Je-Ji | Jo-Johnso | Johnst-Jz
K-Kel | Kem-Kil | Kime-Kinf | King-Kinz | Kir-Km | Kn-Ko | Kr-Kz
L-La | Le-Li | Lo-Lz

Please note: Many names are spelled incorrectly/different than we do today. These are merely transcribed the way they were written in the WPA index files. Many individuals couldn't read or write and didn't know how to spell their names so they were at the mercy of whoever wrote them down. Then when the WPA transcription was done those poor folks had to read and transcribe handwritten documents (some of which are none too legible). So......there is no wonder we are all confused about how to spell "old" family names.

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Tom & Carolyn Ward / Columbus, Kansas / tcward@columbus-ks.com

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Tom & Carolyn Ward