Hancock Co. IN Queries |
Bates, Beaver (2), Bohm, Bradley, Brandenburg, Brees/Breese, Burris (2), Callaway, Carmichael, Cheeseman, ?Civil War Fatalities, Clark (2) (3), Collins, Cook (2) (3), Covedill, Cox (2), Darling, Davis (2), Dillman, Dobbins, Dotey, Enright, Evans, Ewing, Faulconer (2), Furry, Gipe, Gooding, Griffitts, Grist, Hadley, Hainer, Hart, Harwood, Hatch, Hatfield, Hatton, Haywood, Hiday (2) (3), Horine,
Hull, Hunt (2), Hutchison, Hutsell (2), Ingels, Jackson (2), Kemmerley (2) (3), Kingery, Lacy, Laird, Larimore, Leonard, Loudenback, Mathes, Matlock, McAdams, McCune, Means, Miller, Mitcel, Moore, Murnan, Offenbacker, Parker, Patterson, Pauley, Pope, Porter, Pritchett, Rains, Robertson, Robinson, Roudebush, Rozelle/Rozzell, Rush, Rynearson, Sherman Shore (2) (3) (4) Sizer, Sommers, Sullivan, Talley, Tindall, Tribbit, Umbenhower (2), Wagner, Walker, Weaver, West, Wilhoit, Willhide, Wilson (2) (3), Winthrow, Young
Kathleen Rizer <rizerk@erinet.com> on 29 Mar 1999
Jacob Dorval Cox was born Aug 1880 in Jenning Co., Ind. He married Nelle
Jewel Fort 6 June 1894 in Hancock Co., Ind. Would like more information on
this couple, and their children. These were Rhea b. 1904, Thelma b. 1899,
and Thyra Rebecca b. 1902; all born in Hancock Co.
Kathleen Rizer
Diana Davis <ddavis@logicsouth.com> on Mon, 29 Mar 1999
Want to learn if Jesse & Jane(Jennie) EWING COLLINS were the parents of Six Known Children including Samuel COLLINS who married Sidney INGELS on 4 Sep 1831 (prob. Madison co., IL) Genealogical site http://my-ged.com/davis/
Norman Hunt <nhunt@compunet1.com> on Fri, 26 Mar 1999
Looking for information on the MATHES, MARSHALL, and HUNT lines in Hancock county. Particularly interested in David Ellis Hunt and his wife Rose Ella Virginia Mathes and ancestors. Their son, Kenneth married Mary MARSHALL who is the daughter of Claude Marshall, granddaughter of Caleb Marshall of Hancock County. Any information on any of these families will be greatly appreciated.
Richard Dale Atkins <elad@netsync.net> on 24 Mar 1999
Looking for info on Alpha Withrow and Martha Ellen Loudenback of Hancock
county, Indiana. Loudenback was born in Charlottsville, Hancock, Co.
Withrow was born in WV. Thanks for any help you may render.
George Simmons <simmons@iei.net> on 24 Mar 1999
Looking for any descendant of Joel COOK, son of Daniel COOK & Rosanna
WILHOIT. Born 5 Oct 1795 in Madison Co., Virginia. Died 12 Mar 1870. Buried
in Harlan Cemetery, Wilkinson, IN. Joel and Nancy (Farley) Cook arrived
Hancock Co. c1834.
Joel m. 1820 Nancy Farley Matt F. Angeline Daniel John F. Jane Joel m. 1838 Susan Rodgers Sarah Nancy Harrison Joel Martha Lorenzo Emily Eli Cassinda Mary
Audry Livsey <ajlive@gte.net> on 21 Mar 1999
Requesting lookup on 1850 Indiana Census for:
Thomas J. Hatfield in Hancock Co., Jackson Twp., Pg. 199
I found him on a 1850 census index for this area but do not have access to
the microfilm. Would appreciate someone looking it up for me. Thank You!
Deanna McCormack <patdeemc@gv.net> on Sun, 21 Mar 1999, in response to query posted by Loretta Baughan on Thu, 25 Feb 1999
I am searching for John McCune born Dec 23 1813 in Holmes County Ohio/Kentucky. He married Mary Aspey on March 3 1833 in Rush County Indiana. He died Nov 24 1873 in Monroe, Adams, Indiana. Son of William and Martha McCune. John and Mary had twelve children in and around Rush County and Adams County Indiana.
Thank You
LaVonCampbell <LaVcamp@aol.com> on Mar 18 1999
A new message, "Matlack, Kingery," was posted by LaVonCampbell on Thu,
18 Mar 1999 It is a response to query posted on Thu, 18 Mar 1999
I have ancestors of Martha Jane Matlack daughter of Jesse and Nancy Ann Kingery all of New Palestine. Martha married Jessie Armiger my great great grandfather. Then she married Moore Holden. If you would like this information please respond. Also Marcia Hendryx Parker has the same info. Granddaughter of Mildred Kitley Hendryx.
LaVon Campbell
Sherry <RSNRSch@aol.com> on Mar 18 1999
Christian Furry (1774-1849), his wife Christiana, their son George and his wife Margaret are all buried in Hancock Co., IN. The family lived near Greenfield and some are in the 1850 census. Other children are Michael, Joseph, Susan, Anna, Mary, Elizabeth, Barbara or Barbury. I would like to hear from others interested in the Furry's.
A new message, "HIDAY, Mack b. 1864," was posted by Harriet Lytle on Sun,
14 Mar 1999
Mary <crnberry@capecod.net> on 14 Mar 1999
Looking for information on a Larimore family living in Hancock County,IN
early 1800's. I have only one name Thomas Douglas Larimore who married Mary
(Polly) Hubbard/Hubbartt. They emigrted to Illinois around the middle of
the 1800's. Any lead would be helpful.
Pat <patty@i1.net> on 14 Mar 1999
Looking for Robert Emmet CLARK b. July 6, 1919 Chicago, Ill. m. JoAnn
HORINE on or around July 27 1940 in Hancock county. His parents Raymond
Frankes CLARK mother Ivy Hilda PARKER. any info would be appreciated lived
in Indianapolis when application for marriage license issued. Thanks Pat
Harriet Lytle <HarrietLytle@prodigy.net> on Mar 14 1999
Mack HIDAY was b. 28 Jan 1864 in or near Fortville, Hancock, Co, IN. Was his full name James Fernando Maxmillian HIDAY as told by his widow or was his name McClellan HIDAY as given on the Lewis Co, WA 1900 census? His mother was Mary L. HIDAY and his step-father was John SHERMAN. Mack lived his early childhood in Hancock Co, IN near Fortville; moved with his family to MO abt. 1878; and to Lewis Co, WA by 1885 as he is on the WA Territorial census then. Can anyone furnish proof of Mack Hiday's full name, such as a Bible record, school record, or church record?.
Harriet Lytle <HarrietLytle@prodigy.net> on Mar 14 1999
Samuel COOK married Elizabeth HIDAY b. 9 Aug 1853 d. 24 Aug 1931 bur. in the Wynn Cemetery nr. Ingalls, Hancock Co, IN. Their children: William C. Cook, David Cook, Samuel L. Cook, Walter H. Cook, George W. Cook, Mary Cook (mar. Mr. Plank) and Etta Cook (mar. Mr. Curry). Need dates and places for the children and their father. Also need the mother of Elizabeth. One source gives May Forman and another gives just Susan. Elizabeth's father was Calder Monroe Hiday. My interest is in the HIDAY line and the descendants..
Debgipe@aol.com on 13 Mar 1999
I am looking for Mary E. (Gipe) Hull, her husband John, and their son. Her
father, Henry Gipe, is buried in McCray Cemetery in Wilkinson in Hancock Co.,
but I can't find whether she is or not.
Ken Hixon <kenhixon@pacbell.net> on 11 Mar 1999
Subject: Hancock Co, Indiana, Descendants of Smith Bates and Mary Rush
I am searching the Hancock County descendants of Smith Bates, b. 1805, Pelham, MA. - d. 12 Feb 1874, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co. IN.
According to family records and lore he was brought to Cincinatti, Ohio, as a boy by his grandparents [it is not known whether by his paternal or maternal grandparents]. His grandparents died in Cincinatti "of an epidemic" and Smith was bound out to an unknown resident of Butler Co., OH, where he reached his majority and began teaching school.
About 1836, Smith married Mary Rush, b. 5 July 1815, Butler Co., OH - d. 10 Oct 1894, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN., and purchased a small farm near Centerville in Wayne Co., IN.
About 1847, Smith and family relocated to a farm in the northeast corner of Lawrence Twp., Marion Co. IN. They are buried at Spring Valley Cemetery, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN.
The children [and known descendants] of Smith Bates and Mary Rush Bates:
Lydia Bates, b. abt 1813, Wayne Co., IN - d. ? [after 1880].
m. [1] abt. 1858, George W. Webb, b. abt 1831, OH - d. btwn. 1868-70, IN.
............Arthur Webb, b. abt 1859, Marion Co., IN - d. ? [after 1880].
............Sarah Webb, b. abt 1866, Marion Co., IN - d. ? [after Aug 1905]
m. Noah M. Spees, b. ? - d. ?
............Moses Webb, b. abt 1868, Marion Co., IN - d. ? [after 1880]
m. [2] aft 1870 John Thomas, b. abt 1806, PA - d. ? [after 1880]
Moses Bates, b. 9 Dec 1839, Wayne Co., IN - d. 13 Apr 1905, Brown Twp.,
Hancock Co. IN.
m. [1] 12 Aug 1862, Hester A. Vanlaningham, b. 7 Sept 1841, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN. - d. 13 Jan 1875, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN.
............Clement L. Bates, b. abt 1863, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN - d. ?
........................[Only known child:] Alberetta Bates, b. abt 1900 - d. ?
............Jeremiah Smith Bates, b. June 1870, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN
- d. 25 Apr 1928, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.
m. 30 Nov 1899, Daisy Blanche Haywood, b. 2 Dec 1876, Jackson Twp.,
Hancock Co., IN - d. 30 Nov 1950, Indianapolis, Marion Co.,IN.
........................Howard Haywood Bates, b. 6 Jan 1901, Mt. Comfort, IN -
d. 23 July 1962, Denver, CO.
........................Gerritt Moses Bates, b. 30 Sept 1903, Indianapolis,
Marion Co., IN - d. 3 Nov 1966, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN.
........................Robert Smith Bates, b. 27 Dec 1911, Indianapolis,
Marion Co., IN - d. 21 May 1971, Indianapolis, Marion Co. IN.
............Hester Bates, b. 13 Jan 1875, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co. IN - d. ? [after 1958] m. Ernest E. Tridle, b. ? - d. ?
........................Thelma Tridle, b. 4 June 1904, IN - d. ?
........................Marie Tridle, b. 10 Dec 1906 - d. ?
m. [2] 12 July 1876, Nancy B. Collins, b. 21 Jan 1851, Buck Creek Twp.,
Hancock Co., IN - 8 Nov 1931, Wilkinson, Hancock Co., IN.
............John Wirt Bates, b. abt 1878, Hancock Co., IN - d. ?
m. Luella Grace Woodward, b. ? - d. ?
........................John Wirt Bates, Jr., b. ? - d. ?
........................Loral Richmond Bates, [male] b. 17 Feb 1906, IN - d.
Dec 1978, Connersville, IN
........................James Robert Bates, b. 6 Sept 1915, IN - Sept. 1977,
Connersville, IN
............Emma Lillian & Elmore Lester Bates [twins] b. abt Aug 1878 -
d. 21 Oct 1878, Hancock Co., IN.
............Nettie M. Bates, b. 22 Aug 1881, Hancock Co., IN - d. abt 1917,
Knightstown, IN.
m. 12 Apr 1906, Charles W. Holliday, b. 15 Aug 1883, IN -
d. June 1985, Wilkinson, Hancock Co., IN
........................Paul Bates Holliday, b. 9 Feb 1909, Henry Co., IN -
d. 2 March 1993, Wilkinson, Hancock Co., IN.
........................Cloma Holliday [female], b. ? [after Apr 1906 -
d. ? [after Nov 1967]
........................Carl Holliday, b. ? [after Apr 1906 - d. ? [after Nov 1967]
........................Glenn Holliday, b. ? [after Apr 1906 - d. ? [after Nov 1967]
............Katherine Mary Bates, b. 22 July 1883, Mt. Comfort, Hancock Co.,
IN - d.?
m. 25 Aug 1905, William Leonard Cook, b. ? - d. ? [after 1910]
........................Junya Berthina Cook, b. 10 July 1907, Hancock Co., IN -
d. Apr 1993, Gaston, IN.
........................Louis Edward Cook, b. 16 Dec 1910, Willow Branch,
Hancock Co., IN - d. 12 July 1972, Hancock Co., IN
............Herbert Glen Bates, b. 19 Nov 1889, Mt. Comfort, Hancock Co., IN
- d. Oct 1969, St. Louis, MO.
m. Amy H. ??? [maiden name not know], b. 12 July 1891 - d. Mar 1979, MO.
........................Helen Bates, b. ? [before 10 Aug 1924] - d. ?
Rachel Bates, b. abt 1842, Wayne Co., IN - d. ? [after 1860].
Mary Bates, b. abt 1851, Lawrence Twp., Marion Co., IN - d. ? [after 1870]
Harriet Lytle <HarrietLytle@prodigy.net> on 09 Mar 1999
John Sherman b. 4 Dec 1838 in Hamilton Co, IN d. 9 Mar 1927 in Lewis Co., WA. He served in the Civil War. He married Mary L. Hiday 7 Dec 1867 in McCordsville, Hancock Co, IN. They resided in Sec. 10 Vernon Twp, Hancock Co, IN until about 1878, when they moved to MO and then about 1883 they moved to Harmony, Lewis Co, WA. Their children were Cora, Oscho, Jasper, Clinton and Perry. Cora d. 31 Aug 1877 and Oscho d. 25 Aug 1877. Does anyone know where Cora and Oscho are buried in IN?
Matthew R. Riley <mr8046@beol.net> on 09 Mar 1999
I am researching my paternal ancestry. The surnames related with
Hancock County are CLARK, YOUNG, WILSON, MITCEL. I am interested in
JOHN WALTER CLARK, my great-grandfather and his brothers and
FLOSSIE CLARK. I know that MINNIE, EFFIE, AND ROSIE died very young
and are buried in a cemetery adjoining Old Bethlehem Church northwest
for Fortville, Indiana. I don't know dates of birth or death. I have
just come across a 27 year old letter from my great uncle giving my
bother names of some ancestors for a school project he was doing.
I am also looking for information about my great-grandmother. Her name
was VINNIE DELL WILSON. Everyone called her Della. She was the
I want to thank everyone in advance for any help they might be able to
provide me.
marv/shaun <shamar@gte.net> on 07 Mar 99
Am looking for history/ancestors of Marion Nelson Talley, B. 2/26/1847 in Greenfield, Hancock Co., ID or
Greencastle? Married Luella Sizer, 10/20/1875 in Denver Co.Marion is my g-grandfather, thank you.
Janet Platt <jap@cqc.com> on 6 Mar 1999
Looking for parents and siblings of Jerusha Cheeseman born 1844 died 1896 married 1861 John Martin born 1835 . Children of John and Jerusha Cheeseman MartinÊ are: William born 1862, Harrison born 1864, George born 1867, Mary Isabelle born 1869 Hancock Co IN, Dezzell, Laura born 1874, John born 1879, Frank born 1880, Clara and Minnie born 1883. John and Jerusha were living in Macordsville, Hancock Co INÊ in 1869. Ê John Martin had a brother Lambert Weldon Martin born 1820 who married Mary Ann Cheesman. Children for Lambert and Mary Ann MartinÊ are: Julia born 1842, Joseph born 1845, Mary born 1848, Uriah born 1853, John born 1856, Charles born 1858 and Mary born 1860. Ê Any information on these two family is great appreciated. Ê Thanks Janet jap@cqc.com
J. Sorensen <searcher@micron.net> on 04 Mar 1999
Tracing the history of Wm Shore and his family. He came from Surry (Yadkin) Co, NC, to Vernon Twp, Hancock Co, Indiana, in 1840s.
Thomas E. Dobbins <TDobb49751@aol.com> on 4 Mar 1999
Looking for information on Enoch Dobbins b.9-19-1839 d.9-23-1898. Also chidren
of Enoch Dobbins: Marion E Dobbins, Oliver C. Dobbins, Ernest L. Dobbins,
Lillie C. Dobbins and William L. Dobbins.
Also their grandfather Levi Dobbins
Thank You
Thomas E. Dobbins
Robert Gieber <gieber@simpson.edu> on 01 Mar 1999
Am searching the families of Aaron Tribbit and Joseph Pauley both in
Center & Jackson Twp.,Hancock Co. Would like to hear from others
searching these families. BGieber@aol.com
James Jackson <action@hsonline.net> on 28 Feb 1999
Isaiah Jackson married Martha Chapple and lived in the vicinity of Maxwell,In.in Hancock County. Somewhere in the vicinity of 1840. Isaiah Jackson and Martha (Chapple) Jackson are suppopsed to be buried in Reeves Cemetery close to Mt. Gilead Church. 1 mile south and 3 miles west of Maxwell.
Judy Mullen <jmullen@futureone.com> on 26 Feb 1998
I am looking for Mathew Enright and Nancy Enright, their son Robert
Enright, other surnames are Anderson, Ogle, Smith,Vanlaningham, all
living in Hancock Co. 1850's to 1900's
From Judy Mullen
Patrick Murphy <tichelaar@iquest.net> on Feb 22 1999
A new message, "Kemerly Family," was posted by Patrick Murphy on Mon, 22
Feb 1999 It is a response to "Kemerly, Carmichael," posted by Diane Rozelle
Girdler on Sat, 20 Feb 1999
Below are some Kemerly's buried in McCray Cemetery in Brown Twp., IN.
Arthur M. Kemerly .. born 1859 / died 1922
Marie C. Kemerly .. born June 01, 1913 / died May 02, 1927
Marie was the daughter of Alonzo Kemerly
Neal Kemerly .. born 1864 / died 1931
Hope this helps.....Patrick Murphy
Debra Clark <debradclark@worldnet.att.net> on Wed, 17 Feb 1999
Looking for information to share on Jefferson Patterson b. 1842 d. 1929 buried in Park Cemetery, Greenfield, IN. his wife was Mary Ellen Moore. They may have had 4 daughters and two sons. They lived near New Palistine, Hancock Co., IN. Three of the childrens' names were; Wilber, Roxy, and William. William Omer Patterson b.Mar. 19, 1876 d. Apr. 6, 1963 Sulphur, OK. he married Zola May Darling daughter of Charles E. Darling of England. Charles owned a Lumber store in Chicago, ILL. William and Zola's had 9 children; Richard, Katherine, Dorothy, Helen, William, John, Robert, Doreen, and Mary.
Amy Davis <adavis@discoverynet.com> on Sun, 14 Feb 1999
Would like to get in touch with anyone searching for Alfred HADLEY, married to Lily ROBERTSON on Dec. 30, 1893 in Maxwell, Hancock Co., Indiana. They had the following children: William Alfred b. Oct. 10, 1894 in Vincennes, Edwin Leroy (Ted), Andrew Clifford, and Pauline Elizabeth. Thanks!
D Mayes <chaser06@infinet.com> on Sun, 14 Feb 1999, in response to query posted by David Stratton on Wed, 10 Feb 1999
David, are you connected to the BURRIS group that is doing the BURRIS news letter by Russell Burris? My cousin, Karen and myself have a BURRIS line and we have helped Russell with our information. I could forward you a copy of Russell's first news letters if you want them.
Grace Hester <Salgeoboo@aol.com> on Fri, 12 Feb 1999
Looking for information on Peter Wagner settled in Hancock County in mid 1800s. He came from Morgan County, Ohio with his family. He was born in Fredricks County, Maryland. and married Elizabeth T. Sivard/Sibard on Dec 7, 1843. His first wife was Catherine Keith. His children were Benjamin born 1835, Margaret born 1836, Sarah born 1837. James L. born November 7, 1844, Rachel born 1849, and Peter born 1850.
Any information would be great.
Cindy West <friend5875@aol.com> on Fri, 12 Feb 1999
I am looking for information on the family of Thomas WEST
He married Rebeca MILLER in Hancock Co., IN
in 1850.
I am trying to find out if he is related to Edward (Edwin) C WEST who was married in Henry Co., IN in 1850.
David Stratton <dkstrat@digitechs.com> on Wed, 10 Feb 1999
Looking for connection between Daniel Burris and Isaac
Clifton Burris, of LaSalle Co., IL. and the Burris family
of Hancock County, IN. They were born in Indiana, believed
to be Hancock County.
Cindy Jones <cjonesgenealogy@hotmail.com> on Mon, 08 Feb 1999
Searching for info on the Robert Cecil Leonard family buried in Philadelphia Cemetery.
Joy Griffitts <joy@mcmsys.com> on 5 Feb 1999
I'm looking for the parents of James Griffitts and his wife Leverna Wilson. James was born Dec 3, 1828, moved to Hancock Co., where he married Leverna on July 26, 1855, they then moved to Kansas. Did James have brothers named Abraham and John?? Was James father's name Patrick?? Ê Thanks, Ê Joy Griffitts ÊÊÊ joy@mcmsys.com
Alan Kohn <pakkoco@frs-l.com> on Sun, 31 Jan 1999
I am seeking information on the following Hancock County,
Indiana family names: Sommers,(Sommer), Brandenburg, Means,
Murnan,(Mernan),and Hutchison,(Hutchinson). Many of these
people had close ties to Shelby County too. I am especially
interested in the Murnan history.
From Illinois -- Alan Kohn
John McCune <macewanj@hotmail.com> on Sat, 30 Jan 1999
I am trying to find information about the ancestors of Samuel O (possibly Oliver) Umbenhower. He was born 31 Aug 1852 and died 5 Jun 1925. He lived in Madison or Hancock County IN and is buried in Mendon Cemetery (near Eden). His wife was Mary Jane Davis, who was born 11 Apr 1855 and died 8 Feb 1895. Their daughter Dora Blanche Umbenhower married Chalres Edward Willhide. Dora and Charles lived in Grant County IN. Any information you can share would be wonderful. Thanks. John
John McCune <macewanj@hotmail.com> on Sat, 30 Jan 1999
I am trying to obain any information possible on a mysterious ancestor. Baley Davis was born in NC in the early 1800s and moved to either Hancock or Madison County IN. At some point he married someone named Ellen who was born 14 Feb 1814 and died 30 Aug 1883. Ellen is buried in Mendon Community Cemetery, near Eden. Baley's daughter Mary Jane married Samuel O. Umbenhower. Baley owned a lot of land in Hancock County at one point. Any light you can shed on my mysterious ancestor and his ancestors would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. John
Dorothy Wilson <dwilson689@aol.com> on Wed, 27 Jan 1999
I am looking for information on a Mc Clellan Jackson, married Nancy G (Nettie) Rynearson, married in Hancock County, In. on 10-5-1882. Some of their issues were: Sarrah, Clarence, William, Charles, John, Frank, James, and 2 more unkn.
Bonnie <bluekitten@madbbs.com> on Mon, 25 Jan 1999
Looking for any information on Melinda Hatton found on 1850 IN. Census for Hancock Co. Melinda Hatton born abt. 1824 in IN. married Richard Covedill in 1841 Marion Co. IN. He was born abt. 1817 in Kentucky. They had living with them a Catherine Hatton born abt. 1840 age 10 and a Sophia Hatton born abt. 1842 age 8, also a Gabriel Wilson born abt. 1832, age 18, born in Virginia. Next door was a George Hatch born abt. 1790 age 60 and wife Mary age 50 born abt.1800, They were both born in New York.
Any help or clues as to how these people are related or any connections to them would be greatly appreciated..
MaryAnn Dark <MaDark@aol.com> on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
I am looking for the descendants of GeorgeHutsell (son of Isaac Hutsell and Ann Calloway) and Viranda Faulconer (dau of Thomas Faulconer and Ellen Robinson) of Hancock Co., IN
Children were:
John W. (m. Frances Leonard)
George T. (m. Angeline ?) b. Simmons Cemetery
Thomas J.(Tinnie V. Flack)
Isaac C.(m. Rebecca Kathryn Weaver)
Marida(Merrida) C. (m. Mary Alice Baker) b. Simmons Cem
Georgia, (m. ?)
Mary Jane (m. ?)
Albert L. (m. Mary E. Harris)
Walter C. (m. Delia Anna Whelchel)
MaryAnn Dark <MaDark@aol.com> on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
I am looking for any information on Viranda Faulconer Hutsell. Parents were Thomas Faulconer and Ellen Robinson. On July 5, 1894 in Hancock Co.IN, she married William Shore. This was her second marriage.
Her first marriage was to George Hutsell, in Bourbon Co, KY
They moved to Hancock Co. IN @1851. Viranda is my GGgrandmother. I am searching for her place of burial and any information on the Shores.
Donna Williams <Will1DandD@aol.com> on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
Hancock County residents killed on July 13, 1863 during the Civil War skirmish in Harrison, Ohio (Hamilton County) -
General John Morgan and his Raiders passed thru the area,
five soldiers of Col. Shyrock's Indiana Regiment were killed, two from Hancock County . . .John Porter and
Ferdinand Hainer (Hafner?). Among the wounded were
Judge David S. Gooding, Lieut. William Hart and Benjamin
Rains, all of Greenfield, Hancock County. The history research committee in Harrison, Ohio is preparing for their
town's 150th birthday event in year 2000. Any info? We would like to confirm that this skirmish did indeed happen.
Janet Mills <JMILLS3@prodigy.net> on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
Researching the following Greenfield, Hancock County, gggrandparents: John and Souisa Bohm, Tennison Tindall and Mary Ellen Evans. Family was still in Greenfield as late as 1980.
Sharon Lacy-Campbell <speedo@tcon.net> on Fri, 22 Jan 1999
I am looking for info on my grandfathers family.His name was
Guy D. Lacy,from Fortville,Hancock County,Indiana.His son,
Daniel Lee Lacy, was my father.
James Haywood <jhaywood@tgtel.com> on Mon, 18 Jan 1999
I am searching for information on HAYWOODs, who came from Hancock County, IN, to Floyd County, KY.
My gggrandfather was Elzy Haywood who came to Floyd, County, KY., as a physician in the mid 1870's. He listed on all records that he was born in Hancock, County, IN., about 1843. I would greatly appreciate any information on any of the HAYWOOD's from Hancock, County, IN.
George Simmons <simmons@iei.net> on Mon, 18 Jan 1999
James and Rachel PRITCHETT were from Gallipolis, OH. Their daughter Sarah married Matt F. Cook Jan 11, 1849. I don't know when James and Rachel came to Indiana.
Diane Rozelle Girdler <girdler@bv.net> on Tue, 12 Jan 1999
Seth, Brazilla, and other Rossell, Rozzel settled in this county. I am reasearching this surname. Any info or connections, please e-mail ASAP. Thanks.
Alexa Claremont <aclarem@learnlink.emory.edu> on Sun, 10 Jan 1999
Hancock Co. Indiana:
I am descended from Daniel and Margaret Dillman through their son James.
I have lots of info on James and descendents, please e-mail with any questions or other info. Would be glad to hear it!!
Alexa Claremont
LaVon Campbell <LaVcamp@aol.com> on Sat, 09 Jan 1999, in response to researching, posted by Helen Reed on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
According to the Hancock County Indiana Tombstone Inscriptions 100 years 1833-1933 a William Beaver is buried in the Caudell/Simmons Cook cemetery. Dates are 8 Aug 1838-12 Aug 1901. There is also a H.H. McAdams 29 Jan 1834-23 Jul 1896. and an Elizabeth McAdams 1836 in Wynn Cemetery Green Twp Hancock Co. Hope this helps you out.
Helen Reed <redriver@verm.rurilnet.org> on Fri, 08 Jan 1999
Researching William Beaver b.8-8-1838, m.Sarah Clark 10-8-1863 in Fortville,Hancock Co. Ind. She was born 1845. Children were:Robert 1865, John 1863, Amanda 10-10-1864(g grandmother), Mary 1879. Amanda was married 13-March-1897 to Harry C. McAdams b.15-March-1871 in Madison County Indiana. They were married in Hancock County, Indiana. His parents were Hugh McAdams and Elizabeth Dotey. All help appreciated. Thanks Helen
Roberta Hunt <robertahunt40@hotmail.com> on Thu, 07 Jan 1999, in response to EPHRIAM BREES, posted by Robert G. Breese on Thu, 07 Jan 1999
Robert G. Breese <rdbokfl@ictransnet.com> on Thu, 07 Jan 1999
EPHRIAM BREES, my ggggrandfather resided in Hancock County until at least 1872. His wife was Lavinia BERRY. I am trying to identify his parents, brothers and sisters and place of death and burial. He is believed to have been born in Basking Ridge, NJ in 1794. Ephriam's son Isaac Breese was my gggrandfather who also resided in Hancock County and is buried in the cemetery at Philadelphia, IN.
Wanice Haas <wawhappy@juno.com> on Tue, 05 Jan 1999
I am searching for information about Robert Walker b. 1783 in NC came to Hancock Co., Indiana in the early 1800's. I am especially interested in his son Miles who was a Methodist Preacher and lived in Fortville. He married Mary Sullivan and Rachel Ham.
Wanice Haas
5830 SE Ratner Rd.
Berryton, Ks 66409
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