Among the very early physicians of the county who took an active interest in affairs was Dr. J. W. Hervey. He was an able, eloquent speaker, and a prolific writer. For a quarter of a century after the Civil War the columns of the Hancock Democrat contained articles from his pen, in which he recounted his experiences and gave his recollections of those early days.

The best history of the early practice of medicine in Hancock county is found in his articles. The following excerpts have been selected from the statement which he wrote for Mr. Binford in 1882. Referring to the early history of the county, Dr. Hervey says:

"The practice of medicine then was a work of some magnitude. We were compelled to ride on horseback through the woods, along paths blazed out on the sides of trees, sometimes twelve miles. I have often lost my way, and had to ride for miles before I came to a house to ask where I was. I was called one stormy night to visit a family in what was called the "Big Deadening," in Vernon township. The messenger had a huge torch and rode before. Our path was for miles through 'slashes,' as then called. The forest was wild and gloomy. Before we reached the place the torch gave out, and we had to hunt a hickory tree, from which we got bark to renew our light. We heard the wolves howl occasionally. When we reached the house we found the door fastened. And the woman whom I was called to see was in bed with two newly-born babe twins. She was badly frightened. She said the wolves had run the dogs against the door. The door was nothing but shaved clapboards hung on hinges. She thought the wolves smelt the corpse, for one of the babes was dead. She had heard it said that wolves would fight desperately for a dead body. There were no neighbors for some distance, and on one there to go for anyone.

"Sometime after that I was belated on my return home from the Fall Creek settlement. It had been raining all day, and was very muddy. My horse gave out, and I had to stop at John Robb's, where I got my supper. He saddled one of his horses for me to ride till I returned. It was dark when I started, and nothing but a path to travel until I struck what was called the Greenfield and Allisonville road. Mr. Robb assured me that 'Old Sam,' as he called the horse, would keep the path. I had gone but a few miles before 'Old Sam' was out of the path, and stopped to eat grass. I got down and tried to feel for the path. Failing to find it I mounted and determined to make the horse go some place. He soon went under a grapevine and lifted me out of the saddle and set me wrong end up in the spice brush. I was, however, able for another trial. I then commenced to halloo in the hopes that I might find some house. I soon heard wolves, not very far distant from me, I thought. I had often heard it said that wolves could smell assafoetida any distance, and that they would fight for it. I had to carry that article with me, for it was out of the question to dispense with a remedy so popular at that time. Everything used as medicine was furnished by the doctors. I was considerably frightened, but I soon heard someone answer me and saw a torch coming. It was common for persons to get lost in the woods at that time. When I reached the man's house, I found I had lost my pill sacks, and this necessitated me to wait till morning, as most of my essential outfit was in them. Though of but small value would the pill bags be at this time, the loss of that utility would have been sufficiently ample at that time to have compelled me to suspend operations for some days.

"About 1845, at a camp meeting near Cumberland, in the eastern part of Marion county, a child was taken with a fit, and its mother made so much noise that divine services were suspended for a time. Dr. Berry, who afterwards became president of Asbury University, was preaching. As soon as he found out what was the matter he told the congregation to take their seats and not crowd the child, but give it plenty of fresh air, wet its head with cold water, and send for a doctor; that there was no danger. I was at that time but little acquainted, and but few on the ground suspected me of any pretentions of being a doctor. Someone, however, hunted me up, and, plucking me to one side, asked me if I could bleed, and whether or not I had any lancets with me. I happened to have a nice spring lancet in my pocket. I told him I thought I could bleed, and he asked me to follow him. When I arrived at the tent it was crowded desperately, and near the door, on a temporary bed, was the patient. On one side of it stood a large man with a huge walking stick about four feet long and as thick as a small handspike. Before him was a pair of old-fashioned saddle-bags, which contained something near a half bushel of roots and herbs, together with other implements essential to the practice. On the other side of the little sufferer stood another man, something over six feet high, with a blue jeans suit on. Neither of the gentlemen were arrayed in very fastidious costumes. Over the shoulder of this gentleman hung a pair of pill wallets of something more in accordance with the custom of the nineteenth century, and would not hold over one peck of goods. He had the arm of the little girl bandaged, and was probing away with an old rusty and dull thumb lancet, attempting to bleed the child, but had about given up the idea when I was sent for. The man who hunted me up stepped forward and fixing his eyes on me, said: "There is Dr. Hervey; maybe he can bleed." At this all eyes were turned toward me, and I could distinctly hear the whispers through the crowd, "He is nothing but a boy"; "He don't look much like a doctor," and other similar remarks, most of which were true, for I was but a young man, and looked younger than I was. The theory of the doctors was that the patient had too much blood in the heads, and that bleeding was the only remedy. The big doctors had not much faith in me, but asked me if I could bleed the child. They did not ask my opinion in the case, or what treatment I would recommend, or intimate that they had any more use for me. I, however, bled the child and asked the doctors if it would not be well to keep cold cloths to the head, which they had ordered removed for fear of producing a chill. The child got better, and I got better acquainted with the big doctors, and found them to be big-hearted as well as large in body. One of them was Dr. Carpenter, of Cumberland, a good Christian gentleman, but whose facilities for education were poor. He was a very useful man, and when his patients died he often preached their funerals. He was a Baptist minister, and Dr. William Moore, of the same village, and a partner, was a Universalist preacher. Bleeding was common then in most diseases, and many persons were bled regularly at stated times. I know several men who kept lancets. A man that could bleed was considered necessary in every settlement. The houses of these men were thronged every Sunday by persons, some of whom would come miles to be bled. The other big doctor was called McLain, I think, and he lived in or near New Palestine.

"On page seventy-four of the proceedings of the Indiana Medical Society for 1874, in a report on the medical history of the state, by Thad. M. Stevens, M. D., I find the following items connected with the transactions of medical men in the western part of Hancock county, which I will quote:

"In 1846, the congestive fever, as it was called, made its appearance. Many died; indeed, most of them in hands of some physicians. Dr. Moore, of Cumberland, contended that blood letting and after that calomel to ptyalism, was the proper treatment. A meeting of physicians was called to consult upon a plan of treatment, at which it was agreed to use larger doses of quinine. Into this practice all finally fell, and the disease became much less formidable. The only drawback to the use of this drug was the price and the scarcity of money. It run up at one time to six dollars an ounce. Dr. Hervey bought up a dozen fat cattle, drove them to Indianapolis, and sold them at seven dollars and fifty cents per head, and invested the money in quinine."

"In 1847 a singular epidemic of smallpox appeared in Buck Creek township. Erysipelas, in the form of black tung, had been prevailing in the same locality. A healthy, stout man by the name of Snyder took the confluent variola. The whole surface swelled enormously. Dr. William Smith, who was a new brother in the profession at Cumberland, was called to see the case, who being somewhat puzzled at the disease, called Dr. Bobbs, of Cumberland, and Dr. J. W. Hervey, of Hancock county, in consultation. Drs. Bobbs and Smith contended that the disease was of an active, inflammatory character, and the only safety depended upon copious blood-letting. Dr. Hervey differed with them, opposed the bleeding, and left them to treat the case. They bled the man profusely, and he died. The neighbors flocked in to see him, and the result was smallpox was scattered all over the country. Dr. J. W. Hervey contended that the disease was some form of eruptive fever, modified by erysipelas diathesis. That was before the disease had developed its true character. After that he contended that it was smallpox, modified by the influence named. A consultation was called at the house of Isaac Snyder, father of the first patient, over some new cases. Dr. John S. Bobbs, Dr. Bullard, of Indianapolis, and Dr. Brown, of Bethel, were called in. Drs. Bobbs and Bullard agreed with Dr. Hervey. I think Dr. Brown did the same. The fact of the disease making its appearance without anyone knowing how, agitated the public mind to the highest pitch. As Dr. Hervey had been prominent in the treatment of the disease, and very successful, he having treated eighty-four cases, with but the loss of three grown persons and two children, it was in some way whispered through the neighborhood that he started the disease to get into business and gain notoriety. This theory was aimed to be made plausible by the fact that the Doctor had been in Cincinnati the winter before, and had told someone that he saw cases of smallpox in the hospital. It was also urged that he could not have been so well acquainted with the disease and have treated it so successfully if he had not made some special study and preparation. The rumor spread and gained force as it went out upon the breeze of popular rumor, until the whole country was arrayed on one or the other side of the question. Someone who was ingenious in formulating theories, said the Doctor had brought a scab with him from Cincinnati, and started the disease with it. He had used tincture of iodine and nitrate of silver to prevent pitting in the face. One Miss Burris lost an eye, and was otherwise disfigured by the disease, pustules having formed in the eyes. Popular prejudice pointed this case out as a proper one to punish the Doctor with. He was sued for malpractice. The bad feeling was so intense against him that his counsel, Oliver H. Smith, advised him to take a change of venue to Shelby county. The damages were set at five thousand dollars. The depositions of eminent physicians were secured by the Doctor. Some of the best physicians in the state were subpoenaed. His defense was so fortified that before the time for the trial arrived the case was withdrawn. Dr. Hervey's character was vindicated, and he rose above the clouds that threatened him with ruin; but it cost him much of his hard-earned means and cheated him out of three or four of the best years of his life.

"This case is a valuable illustration of what injury and wrong may be done a physician by those who are not sufficiently informed on such subjects. It also shows what a few enemies may do before the tribunal of uninformed popular public sentiment and popular prejudice."


"At a 4th of July celebration held in the woods, where Mt. Comfort now stands, I was engaged to make an oration. There was to be a big time- a barbeue. The day brought an immense crowd. Just before the time came for my part of the programme, I noticed someone coming with great speed, and a general stir among the people. I was informed that an accident had happened at the crossing of Buck creek, and that I was wanted. The proceedings were delayed until my return. When I reached the scene of the accident a most amusing incident was before me, and instead of resorting to surgery and bandages, I was overcome with fun. A family with several small children had undertaken to visit the celebration in an ox-wagon, not very substantially rigged. In attempting to cross the bridge over Buck creek the oxen became frightened at a party of young men and women coming up behind at a pretty fair speed. The red ribbons were flying, and the skirted white dresses of the girls on horseback, flapping in the wind, together with the clatter of the horses' feet, was too much for the cattle to stand. They took fright, left the pole bridge, and landed the wagon, with its contents, upside down in the mud and mire. The oxen had just reached the shore, and the family had all been safely dug out of the mud, and were seated in a line on the edge of the bridge, covered so completely with mud that you could only see the eyes and the mouth. The man with coon-skin cap was making arrangements to wash them off in the creek, into which he has waded and was, when I arrived, waiting for the first one to be handed to him to take through the operation. Every child was bawling at the top of its ability to make a noise. As none were hurt, no one who witnessed the incident could restrain a hearty laugh. They were assisted, however, and washed off, and reached the ground towards the close of the evening, and in time to get a full meal of meat and corn-pone, which were about all the eatables spread on the occasion.,

"One thing can be said to the praise of the physicians of Hancock county. They were mostly self-made men, and men of unusually good sense. But few men have been imported into Hancock count as physicians since the old stock took their place. But few counties in the state can boast of better doctors than Hancock county. I do not know one to whom I could not give the hand of fellowship. I do not know one who is my personal enemy, or one who has ever knowingly done me an unkind act.

"In writing this brief review of the profession in the county, if I have forgotten anyone or said anything about anyone that may be exceptionable, I ask pardon."

Following are also the characterizations of some of the early physicians from the pen of Dr. Hervey, written at the same time:

Dr. Duncan- The first time I ever visited the office of Dr. Duncan, he was so full of talk and big laugh that he spit al over me, not intentionally, for no better-hearted man lived than he; but he had such a peculiar way of pouring out his fun that he could not keep his mouth and lips from taking a very prominent part in the performance. Dr. Barnett, who is now yielding somewhat to the pressure of age, was then a student in his office, and a very industrious one at that. His long success in business is due, no doubt, to his earnest and intense studentship. Dr. Duncan was a good practitioner and had an extensive business. Had he received the advantages of modern usages he would have been a still more prominent member of the profession.

Dr. Moore- I do not remember the given name of the doctor here referred to. I was called to see him in his last sickness at his home in Green township. He was quite a large man, of every limited attainments, but a useful man in the community. He died of softening of the brain and paralysis. A singular feature in his disease was that he could not reach any object with his hand. If he would undertake to place his hand upon an object he would invariably reach to another locality. He was much worried over his condition. He lamented his affliction very much. He appealed to me so piteously to devise some means for his relief that I shed tears in his presence. I think some of his family are living in the county, who might be able to give more of his history.

Dr. N. P. Howard is now among the oldest practitioners in the county. I do not remember how long it has been since he came to Greenfield, but he has always ranked among the best medical men of the country, and is perhaps the best operating surgeon in the county, and he has but few superiors in the state. Besides being a surgeon of ability, he is a whole-souled gentleman, who never violated any law of professional etiquette or honor.

Dr. Lot Edwards is the first physician I ever knew in the county, and he had practiced in it several years before I came. He was one of the most wiry men I ever knew. His appearance would indicate that he could stand but little effort, yet he has done enough hard work in the practice of medicine to kill two or three ordinary men. He was identified with the first society of the county, and has as many warm friends as any man therein.

Dr. E. I. Judkins read medicine in Greenfield, and was raised in the county. He grew old amidst the scenes of his early life, and gave the best of his energies to the practice of his profession. He is a successful, high-minded votary of the healing art, well posted, and has a large share of friends and patrons.

Dr. A. G. Selman practiced medicine in Greenfield many years ago and took a prominent part in politics. He had at one time as large a practice as any man in the county.

Dr. Cook practiced in Charlottesville thirty-five years ago, and was a very fine and successful practitioner. Dr. Stuart, of Fortville, was one of his students. Dr. Stuart and Dr. Troy must be nearly the same age, and must have commenced practice about the same time. I am told that Dr. Troy has always had quite a large business, and that Dr. Stuart, at Fortville, has had an extensive practice.

Dr. Hiram Duncan came to Hancock county over thirty years ago. He commenced practice near Willett's Mill, but moved to a settlement north of Fortville, on Fall creek, in the edge of Hamilton county, before Fortville was laid out. When it was made a town he moved there, and practiced there alone for ten or twelve years. He is a well posted, though unassuming, man, and is one of the most careful practitioners I ever knew. He is now in Indianapolis.

Dr. Paul Espy is another of the old physicians of the county. I think he commenced business at or near Philadelphia, but soon went to New Palestine. He could speak German fluently, and no better location could be found in the state for a man of his ability and social habits than New Palestine. The Doctor made good use of his facilities, energies and surroundings, and was one of the wealthiest men in the county. His tireless energy and his unceasing devotion to business, together with his good judgment and good management, placed him beyond want and in possession of innumerable friends. But few doctors succeed as well, pecuniarily, as Dr. Paul Espy.

It is only fair to say of Dr. Hervey himself, that after his early experience in Hancock county, he went to Indianapolis, where he built up a large and lucrative practice. Fifty years ago he had a standing in his profession such as is enjoyed by Drs. Noble, Potter, Cook and a few others at this time

There are also other names that should be added to the list of those who practiced among the early settlers of the county. Among these were Dr. Edmundson, a one-armed physician, who lived in Blue River township, and who also kept a small store there. Dr. Newby was also located in the eastern part of that township in its early history. In Brown township were Drs. Logan Wallace, Aaron Gregg, William Reed, C. C. Loder, and Dr. William Trees of a little later date. In Sugar Creek township Drs. Hudson McAnlister, J. H. Hazen, W. H. Dye, H. B. Wilson, James M. Ely, Jacob Buschel and Kellogg, hung out their shingles before the Civil War. In Jackson township Drs. S. A. Troy and Amos Bundy were established in what was then known as Portland. At Greenfield, Drs. Jared Chapman, Leonard Bardwell and Simon Alters were among the first physicians. Later they were followed by Drs. Martin, Howard, Barnett and others above mentioned.

Prior to 1874 there was no organization among the physicians of the count. On January 6 of that year, however, a meeting of the doctors was held at the I. O.O. F. hall at Greenfield, at which they effected an organization, known as the


The minutes of this meeting are herein set out in full:

In pursuance of a Call heretofore issued by Drs. N. P. Howard, S. M. Martin, M. M. Adams and E. I Judkins to other physicians of the County, the following physicians assembled in the I.O.O.F. hall at 11 o'clock A. M., viz: Drs. S. A. Troy, J. G. Stewart, H. Duncan, S. T. Yancey and T. K. Saunders, of Fortville, H. J. Bogart, J. B. Sparks and G. T. Wrennick, of Charlottesville, M. M. Hess, of Cleveland, G. C. Eubank, of Philadelphia, and N. P. Howard, S. M. Martin, M. M. Adams and E. I Judkins of Greenfield, Indiana

Dr. S. M. Martin briefly stated the object of the meeting to be to form or organized a County Medical Society auxiliary to the State Medical Society, and upon motion and vote of all present, Dr. S. T. Yancy was made temporary chairman and E. I. Judkins, temporary secretary.

Upon taking the Chair, Dr. Yancy made a few appropriate remarks, returning thanks, etc., for the honor conferred, and encouraged the object of the meeting. Upon motion the following were appointed as a committee to draft and submit a constitution, viz: Drs. S. M. Martin, M. M. Adams and Hiram Duncan.

Upon motion of Dr. Judkins, a committee of five were appointed on permanent organization, to-wit: Drs. Judkins, Troy, Sparks, Stewart and Eubank.

After discussing various points in regard to organization, etc., the meeting adjourned until one o'clock P.M., to give time for the several committees to confer and adopt reports.

At. 1 P.M. the meeting was again called to order by the temporary chairman.

Thereupon the Committee on Constitution reported a Constitution of 17 Articles, which was ordered read by Article and Section, and then unanimously adopted.

The committee on permanent organization then reported the following nomination for officers for the ensuing years, viz: Dr. N. P. Howard, president; Dr. S. A. Troy, vice-president; Dr. M. M. Adams, treasurer; Dr. E. I. Judkins, secretary; Drs. J. B. Sparks, S. M. Martin, S. T. Yancy, censors; Drs. J. G. Stuart, H. J. Bogart, M. M. Hess, trustees.

Upon motion and unanimous vote of the meeting the nominations of the committee were confirmed and the officers named declared elected, and Society permanently organized as the Hancock County Medical Society.

Upon motion a committee of two were appointed to conduct Dr. Howard, President-elect, to the Chair.

Upon taking the Chair, the President returned thanks for the honor conferred, called the meeting to order, and asked for further business.

Upon motion Drs. Martin and Yancy were appointed a committee to procure a suitable seal with appropriate inscription for the Society.

Upon motion an order of business was adopted.

And upon further motion and vote of the Society a system of By-Laws was adopted.

The secretary was ordered to procure a suitable Record Book for the Society, and also a book for the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society and to record the same therein.

Also the secretary was authorized by unanimous vote to sign the names of all the organizing members of this Society, to the Constitution, when copied in appropriate book.

The President appointed J. B. Sparks to prepare and read an essay upon Purulent Pneumonia at next meeting, also Drs. S. M. Martin and S. T. Yancy to read an essay upon any subject they might choose to select.

The question of a Fee Bill came up and was discussed at considerable length, and upon motion a committee of three, viz: S. A. Troy, J. B. Sparks and S. M. Martin, were appointed to prepare and submit a Fee Bill at next meeting.

Upon motion the secretary was ordered to furnish the 'Indiana Medical Journal' and 'Hancock Democrat' with a summary of today's proceedings for publication.

Upon motion the Society adjourned to meet in Greenfield on the second Tuesday of February at 1 o'clock P.M.

E. I. Judkins, Secretary

The purpose of the society is further stated in the constitution:

"To provide an organization through which the regular physicians of the county shall be united in one professional fraternity for the better promotion of all measures adapted to the relief of the suffering; the improvement of the health and the protection of the lives of the community, and for the mutual improvement; the advancement of medical knowledge; the elevation of professional character; the encouragement of professional intercourse and the protection of professional interests."

Regular meetings for the society were appointed for the first Tuesdays of January, April, July and October annually at Greenfield. The physicians whose names appear above- fourteen of them-became the charter members of the society. In April of 1874, the names of Drs. John L. Marsh, William N. Pierson, C. H. Kirkhoof and J. M. Ely were added to the list.

Although a complete organization was effected on January 6, 1874, and dues were paid and all other relationships established and maintained with the State Medical Society during the years that followed, a charter was not obtained until April, 1911, when it was issued in the following words:

Indiana State Medical Association

Know All Men by These Presents

"That by virtue of authority vested in the House of Delegates of this Association by the Constitution and By-Laws, it hereby issued a Charter to the Hancock County Medical Society of which Joseph L. Allen, M. D., is President and Earl R. Gibbs, M. D., is Secretary, and the Charter Members now belonging to such society and to their successors in perpetuity with all of the honor and privileges pertaining thereto, so long as such Society conforms to the Constitution and By-Laws of this Association.

No. 87,

Given Under the Authority of the House of Delegates

this tenth day of April, 1911.

Charles N. Combs, M. D.,       F. C. Heath, M. D.
Secretary      President"

That the physicians set about to accomplish the purpose of their new organization and to profit by mutual consultation and discussion, is evidence by the following excerpts taken from the minutes of their different meetings:

February 10, 1874- Dr. Martin read a paper on "Tympanites." upon which but few remarks were made, from the fact that but few present seemed prepared to discuss its merits, but upon motion of Dr. Troy, Dr. Martin was requested to read his paper again before the society at its regular meeting in April.

Dr. Troy verbally reported some cases of bronchitis met with, not yielding to the ordinary treatment with tonics, stimulants and expectorants, but yielded to aconite. Dr. Stuart had met some similar cases in which he found gelsenium the best remedy. Dr. Adams had met a few slight cases in which he found quinine and glycerine, aided by copious draughts of cold water at bedtime, to speedily relieve symptoms.

Dr. Eubank verbally reported a case of periodical spasms of a child resulting in atrophy of right arm and leg, which elicited some remarks.

The committee to report on a fee bill or a schedule of fees to be collected for various services failed to report at this meeting. On the meeting of April 7, 1874, the committee did report a bill, which was placed on file for further consideration. The report was taken up again at the July meeting in 1874 and was discussed by the physicians assembled. It seemed to be unsatisfactory, however, and when a vote was taken thereon, the motion to adopt the bill was defeated. Dr. Martin then moved, at the meeting of July 7, 1874, that Drs. Yancy, Hess and Adams be appointed a committee on fee bill for next meeting, but for the want of a second the motion was lost.

April 7, 1874- Upon recommendation of the board of censors, Dental Doctors W. R. Wolf and E. B. Howard were unanimously elected honorary members of this society.

Dr. Sparks read an able paper upon pneumonia, as per special appointment at first regular meeting.

Remarks by sundry members:

Dr. Martin disbelieves in the term (strictly speaking) of typhoid pneumonia; thinks two distinct diseases cannot exist at the same time in one patient, and that there is almost always some bronchial trouble, and the pleura generally affected. Pain usually due to pleuritic complication. The disease usually tends to recovery; he does not use nauseating expectorants, relies upon sustaining treatment.

Dr. Sparks denounces the term 'lung fever' as old fogy, and insists upon physicians using the terms 'pneumonia; or 'pneumonitis; when naming the disease. Dr. Judkins remarks, physicians ought to speak in terms that would be understood by their patients when diagnosis is clear, or made up, and if asked for a name of the disease, by the patient's friends, if we have to, say 'lung fever' instead of 'pneumonia.' or 'ague' instead of 'intermittent fever.'

Dr. Howard called Vice-President Troy to the chair, and then made some remarks upon Dr. Sparks' paper; recommends calomel in most cases and sometimes uses it to ptyalism, uses blisters, gives ammonia, quinine, etc., as symptoms indicate. Remarks were made by several other members upon the pathology, nomenclature, and treatment of pneumonia.

By request, Dr. Martin read his paper on "Tympanites,' which he had read at the February meeting.

Remarks on pathology, treatment, etc., by several members, Dr. Sparks thinks it might have resulted from retained feces. Dr. Ely regards it as pyema from absorption from uterus. Dr. Martin defends his diagnosis, quoting from authors, and comparison with peritonitis. Dr. Sparks favors spirits turpentine in treatment. Drs. Sparks and Pierson discussed the pathology of the disease, at some length.

Drs. Pierson, Kirkhoff and Marsh were appointed to write an essay upon any medical subject they may choose for the next regular meeting.

Dr. Yancy continued for an essay also at next meeting.

July 7, 1874- Essays being again called for, Dr. J. L. Marsh read an able paper on "Ancient and Modern Therapeutics." Remarks by Yancy, Sparks, Wolf and Ely.

October 6, 1874- Verbal reports being called for, Dr. Stevens reported a case of post mortem, where injury of the cranium had caused death, in which there was almost complete absorption of the bone, and full absorption of the membranes, corresponding to the size of the injury.

April 6, 1875-Essays being called for, Dr. Marsh read a lengthy and able paper upon "Therapeutics of Aconite," which elicited quite a discussion from Drs. Martin, Hess, Sparks, and Judkins. Dr. Martin never used aconite, hence could not tell of its virtues from experience. Dr. Hess used it but seldom. Dr. Sparks had it used internally in tonsilitis with good results.

Dr. Martin read a paper on the fallacies of the treatment of pneumonia. The subject was pretty thoroughly discussed by all members present. All discard nauseating expectorants.

July 6, 1875-Dr. Adams reported a case of 'progressive locomotor ataxia' which he was treating with nitrate of silver, but with slight show of improvement. Remarks by Drs. Martin, Pierson and Judkins. None had ever treated a case of the kind. Dr. Pierson had seen one case in the Indiana Medical College, supposed to have been induced by the excessive use of tobacco; treatment, discontinue tobacco and administer nitrate of silver. Lost sight of the case, did not learn result of treatment. Dr. Adams asked the advice and opinion of the society regarding the treatment of his case; all endorse the use of nitrate of silver with the observance of due caution of its toxical effects, a point the Doctor says he has carefully watched, and as yet no indications for discontinuance were observable, but on the contrary when the remedy had been left off for a few days for fear of toxic trouble, the symptoms had increased. Dr. Judkins suggested that when the nitrate of silver had been carried to its reasonable limits to substitute nux vomica or strychinia and phosphorous, in full doses.

The discussion here ran into the pathology of such cases and the general arguments were that the intemperate use of tobacco and excessive venery or undue venereal passion or excitement without proper or due gratification might induce an attack, but that Dr. Adams' case was probably the result of severe injury received on the head many years ago, which had frequently produced severe nervous trouble, and sometime severe and almost intolerable pain in the head, for which Dr. Judkins had frequently administered chloroform, by the mouth, ammonia and bromides, giving only temporary relief.

Though the fee bill failed in its adoption at the first meeting of the physicians, further steps were taken at the meeting in the latter part of 1875 for their financial protection, in the adoption of the following resolution:

Resolved, that after January 1, 1876, no service shall be rendered to persons who are able to pay their bills, but who evade them by changing from one physician to another, unless the fee for such service is paid in advance.

Further resolved, that it shall be the duty of each of us to furnish all others a list of such parties from time to time as they make satisfactory settlement.

That this is no combination to raise our fees-as will doubtless be charged- our patrons will be convinced when they pay their accounts; neither is it an effort to shirk our share of the charity work. We each pledge ourselves to the maintenance of the noble reputation of our profession in this respect, to the best of our ability. By this movement we expect to be better enabled to do all that public opinion demands of us for the worthy poor and unfortunate. And also to treat the patrons who pay and support us in a more liberal and businesslike manner, hoping thereby not to be forced to the necessity of selling every good note we take to the brokers; or of dogging our patrons at their houses by sending importunate collectors after them; or of offending them through the public prints by frequent demands to settle, as has been done by some, who will now be interested in charging that this is a 'ring'. (Signed): S. M. Marsh, J. A. Hall, George Tague, J. J. Carter, J. G. Stuart, J. Francis, C. C. Loder, H. J. Bogart, L. A. Vawter, E. I Judkins, H. A. Grenleaf, R. E. Barnett, T. J. Saunders, J. O. Espy, William Trees, N. N. Howard, S. S. Boots, John L. Marsh, S. T. Yancy, J. M. Jones, M. M. Hess, W. E. Kearns.

The above resolution was published for a number of issues in the Hancock Democrat and brought fort a series of protests from the laity. Some of the good people of the county suggested through the columns of the local papers that if the physicians would pay their own accounts as they came due, it might help others to pay them. The physicians offered a reply or two to these protests, which of course failed to silence them. Finally someone became so unkind as even to suggest that if the physicians would pay their whiskey bills it might help the other fellow.

The society, however, did not limit itself to such matters only as might be of personal profit to the physicians. It must appear to anyone that the essays that were read, the general matters as well as specific cases that were brought before the society form the individual practice of the doctors, and the help that the society was able to give in such matters by way of consultation and advice, were of practical benefit to the public.

The society has from time to time given some attention to matters before the General Assembly, which they considered of interest to themselves and to the profession. At the close of the legislature in 1879, the doctors of the county adopted the following resolution in appreciation of the services of Dr. Edwins in that body:

Resolved, that the thanks of this society are hereby unanimously tendered to Dr. Stanley M. Edwins, of Madison county, for the very able and zealous manner in which he sought to rid the profession of its parasites, and thereby benefited the public, by securing the passage of his Medical bill, by our State Legislature at is recent session; and that we express the hope that by the time that body convenes, the "Mother of Israel" of the period with her tanzy tea, and the Good Samaritan of the generation, with his liver-regenerator, may have lost something of the potential influence they now seem to exert over our dignified executive department of state government.

On January 27, 1883, the society also considered the advisability of raising the standard of the profession by legal requirement. On this point the doctors of the county placed themselves on record in the adoption of the following resolution:

Whereas, although the medical profession of Hancock county, as represented by the members thereof here present, is in no sense desirous of any legislation in its behalf, the interest of both the public and the profession of some parts of the state seem to imperatively demand some protection from the army of quacks and charlatans driven into the state by the stringent medical laws of other surrounding states; it is hereby

Resolved, that our representatives be respectfully asked to vote for a medical bill requiring that every practitioner of medicine have a diploma from a reputable medical school, or, if he has no such diploma, shall have been in the practice of medicine ten years in the state of Indiana and attended one full course of lectures in any accredited medical college and that he shall file his credentials with proof in each county in which he proposes to practice.

Resolved, that in our judgment some simple, uncomplicated law will meet all the necessities of the case better than the proposed complicated and expensive measures involving state boards.

N. P. Howard, Sr., M. M. Adams, E. I. Judkins, Lon A. Carter, Jacob A. Hall, F. F. Hervey, S. S. Boots, Joseph Francis, J. F. Trump, W. R. King, Chairman; S. M. Martin, Secretary.

Such a law was passed in 1885, making it unlawful for any person to practice medicine without first obtaining a license so to do. The license was to be issued by the clerks of the courts, and could only be issued to persons with the following qualifications:

1. To graduates of some reputable medical college.

2. To applicants who filed their affidavits and also the affidavits of two reputable freeholders or householders of the county stating that the applicant had been engaged in the practice of medicine for ten years immediately preceding the date of the taking effect of the act.

3. To applicants who filed their affidavits therein of two reputable freeholders or householders of the county stating that the applicant had been engaged in the practice of medicine for three years immediately preceding the date of the taking effect of the act, and had attended one full course of lectures in some reputable medical college.

Under this law the physicians of Hancock county who applied for such licenses during the year 1885 were able to show the following qualifications, the dates of graduation being also shown:

Samuel S. Boots-February 8, 1870. Electic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Orlando S. Coffin-February 16, 1883. Indiana Electic Medical College
Marcellus M. Adams- February 26, 1885. Medical College of Indiana
Noble P. Howard, Sr.-February 8, 1879. Medical College of Indiana
Nobel P. Howard, Sr.- February 28, 1879. Medical College of Indiana
Orland M. Edwards-One full course lectures.
Elam I. Judkins- February 22, 1878. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana.
Warren R. King-Two full course lectures.
Nathan L. Hammer-March 26, 1885. Physic Medical College of Indiana
Samuel M. Martin-June 19, 1885. Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery
Jacob F. Trump- June 22, 1881. Medical Department of University of Vermont.
William B. Ryan- One full course lectures.
Frank F. Herney- February 28, 1879. Medical College of Indiana.
Almond A. Stuart- One full course lectures.
John G. Stuart- March 2, 1885. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indiana.
Simeon T. Yancy- Two full course lectures.
James M. Larimore- February 10, 1867. Medical Department of Iowa University.
Robert D. Hanna-February 27, 1880. Medical College of Indiana, Department of Butler University, of Indiana.
William Trees- Practiced Medicine ten years.
Lon A. Carter-March 1, 1882. Indiana Medical College
Ira W. Ellis-March 1, 1882. Medical College of Indiana.
Samuel A. Troy-Practiced medicine ten years
Charles C. Pratt-One full course lectures.
James P. Julian-February 21, 1881. Physic Medical College of Indiana
Jacob Buchel-Practiced medicine ten years.
James M. Ely- February 28, 1872. Medical College of Indiana.
Murray M. Hess-Practiced medicine for ten years.
William A. Justice-1878. Kentucky School of Medicine.
Samuel A. Troy- March 1, 1882. Medical College of Indiana.
Benjamin F. True-Practiced medicine ten years.
John W. Selman-February 28, 1873. Indiana Medical College of Indiana.
Thomas P. Hervey-Practiced medicine ten years.
John D. Cory-Practiced medicine three years and one full course lectures.
George M. Darrach-March 8, 1850. Medical Department of the University of Gettysburg at Philadelphia, Pa.
William B. Cox-Practiced medicine three years and one full course lectures.
William M. Pierson-February 28, 1874. Indiana Medical College of Indiana.
John Biebinger-March 1, 1883.Central College of Physicians and Surgeons of Indianapolis, Indiana
Franklin J. C. Rawlins-March 1, 1850. Transylvania Medical College of Lexington, Ky.
Benjamin L. Russell-March 17, 1869. Jefferson Medical College of Pennsylvania
Andrew F. Cory-February 8, 18609. Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Elridge Field-March 1, 1885. Medical College of Indiana.
Jacob G. Wolf- March 8, 1885. Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Pa.

But the meetings of the physicians have not all been serious occasions, nor has all of the time been devoted to professional matters. On January 1, 1884, the physicians brought their wives with them who spent a part of the day at the residence of Dr. Nobel P. Howard. At the noon hour, as we learn from the Hancock Democrat, the physicians "adjourned to the residence of Dr. Howard to accompany their wives and lady friends to the Guymon House, where there was in waiting a dinner prepared by Jackson Wills and his most estimable wife. The dinner was indeed a banquet and would be worthy a Delmonico not only in variety, but in the manner in which it was prepared and served. After dinner E. I. Judkins offered the following toast: "The Medical Profession, the Past and Present Status," which was responded to by Dr. J. W. Hervey, of Indianapolis. He excited much mirth with his description of the early mode of practice with the lancet, calomel and blisters."

Other toasts offered were the "Growth of Hancock County Medical Society," and the "Home of the Physician." There were present on that occasion, W. R. King, W. B. Riley, S. A. Troy, L. A. Carter, J. B. Richardson, E. I. Judkins and Drs. N. R. Howard, Jr. and Sr.

Other features of the doctors' work are also shown on the records of their minutes. For instance:

October, 1884: Communication from Wayne County Society relative to the precarious condition of Dr. Pennington, of Milton, Wayne county, owing to the total destruction of his home by fire. Dr. Howard, Sr., was appointed to solicit and transmit such aid as could be obtained.

Later, a personal donation was made by each member of the society present, which was sent to the treasurer of the Wayne County Medical Society for the benefit of the brother in trouble.

Along professional lines, the society continued to discuss particular cases that came within the experience of its members very similar to those that have been heretofore cited. Assignments also continued to be made to individual members upon which reports were made either in writing or orally. A few other instances are taken from the minutes of the society:

July, 1886: Dr. Ryan presented himself as a clinic; expectoration of blood. Upon motion and vote of society, Dr. J. M. Ely was appointed to examine and report the Doctor's condition, which was disease of the heart and larangitis bronchitis and pharangitis.

February, 1887: A clinic was presented by Doctor King; abdominal dropsy. Upon motion, Dr. J. M. Ely conducted the examination of the case, after which a discussion followed. There was not a unanimous agreement by all the members as to the cause of the effusion.

March, 1887: Upon motion of Dr. N. P. Howard, SR., the regular order of business was suspended for the purpose of performing a surgical operation upon a clinic presented by Howard and Howard: Talapis equinas.

The operation was performed by Howard and Howard, assisted by Ely and King, in the presence of the society.

June 1, 1887: Doctor Yancy reported an autopsy he had witnessed when a child six years old had died from congestion of the stomach and liver. A stone the size of one-half walnut was found in the bladder from which it has suffered for four years, the attending physicians supposing other causes had produced the troubles.

Doctor Pierson reported the case of phthisis under treatment with gas that he had reported during the last meeting and that it was still favorable; also a case of ulceration of the stomach of probable malignant type, which was thoroughly discussed by the society.

April 3, 1888: Bright's disease was made a special subject for consideration at the next meeting.

September, 1890: Doctor Hervey presented a specimen of an injured spinal cord that was of much interest to all present. The substance of the cord having been entirely severed and held in contact by the membranes only, the result of an injury, when environment of the cord showed no evidence of injury.

April 4, 1892: The regular order of business being called, Dr. B. H. Cook proceeded to read a paper upon 'Influenza or La Grippe." The discussion was opened by Doctor Howard, Sr., who thought the paper a good one. Doctor Ely did not regard the disease within itself fatal, but it leaves few healthy ones in the country and we should look carefully as to its complication. Doctor King approved of the paper and regards it as being more fatal than cholera and more formidable. Dr. J. H. Justice approved of the paper and said he regarded the disease as no trivial disease and thought the epidemic of 1891 more formidable than the epidemic of 1890. Doctor Cook in his closing remarks thanked the society for their remarks and thinks he gained considerable information as to its treatment.

November 1, 1892: Doctor Troy presented a boy of fifteen years (Arnet Kellar). The members of the society made an examination of the boy and proceeded to discuss the case and suggested a general line of treatment.

A question was asked about the propriety of a member of this society dressing a cancerous breast that was being treated by an "irregular." It was discussed. No opinion agreed upon, and the suggestion was made to decide upon it at next meeting.

December 6, 1892: Doctor Troy made an oral report of a boy presented at last meeting, that by bandaging and a general tonic treatment that he was better and promised to present him to the society in the future.

Doctor King made a statement about a patient of his own that was being treated by an 'irregular' (the one spoken of at last meeting), that he dressed the breast, cut out the tissue destroyed by the escharotic. Doctors Pratt and Ely so expressed their opinion that he (King) did right in treating her. Doctor Ely also gave us quite a talk on cancers and 'cancer doctors.' During this talk Dr. W. A. Justice "put in his appearance."

The foregoing notes taken from the minutes of the society indicate in a general way the nature of the discussions engaged in at various times and the lines of work followed. Such in the main has been the plan of the society to the present. Specific cases coming within the practice of the members have been presented from time to time and general topics have been assigned for reports. During the past fifteen or twenty years more time has probably been given to general discussions, and less to special cases, than formerly. The programs of the latter years have usually been limited to one or two papers uopn general subjects followed by general discussions. Of this, the following schedule of subjects prepared for the summer of 1896 is a fair illustration:

Tuesday, March 3

Neuralgia- Dr. A. C. Barnes
Consumption- Dr. O. C. Neier

Tuesday, April 7

Pathogenic Bacteria with demonstration- Dr. S. W. Hervey
Diseases of the Kidneys-Dr. C. K. Bruner

Tuesday, May 5

Synthetical Remedies-Dr. J. A. Comstock
Paralysis Agitans- J. W. Selman

Tuesday, June 2

Diagnosis of Presentation- Dr. J. E. Lummis
Pneumonic Fever-Dr. J. H. Justice

Tuesday, July 7

Neurasthenia-Dr. Mary L. Bruner
Nervous Diseases Incident to the Rebellion- Dr. W. R. King

Among the papers that have been presented during the last few years, the following may be mentioned: "Local Anaesthesia," by Doctor Cregor, November, 1909; "Serum Therapy," by Doctor Ferrell, November, 1909; "Catharral Jaundice," by Doctor Ferrell, January, 1911. On October 5 the subject of "Tonsils" was treated from four viewpoints: "Anatomy and Function of Tonsils," Dr. C. W. McGaughey; "Pathology of Tonsils, " Dr. C. A. Barnes: "Therapy of Tonsils," Dr. E. R. Sisson; "Surgery of Tonsils," Dr. C. K. Bruner.

In December, 1911, the subject of "Diptheria" was discussed by Doctors Justice and Slocum.


The Hancock County Medical Society has on several occasions entertained visiting physicians. On January 20, 1910, the seventh annual meeting of the doctors of the sixth councilor district of the Indiana Medical Association was held at Greenfield. Physicians were present from Rushville, Moreland, Carthage, Millville, Knightstown, Shelbyville, Indianapolis, Richmond, Middletown, Bloomington, Lewisville, Spiceland, Newcastle, Dublin and Straughn. A general program along professional lines was given, a banquet served, etc., and a genera good time enjoyed with the visiting physicians.

On January 8, 1914, just forty years after the organization of the Hancock County Medical Society, the anniversary of that event was celebrated in an elaborate and appropriate manner. Following are a few paragraphs from the report of the anniversary meeting:

At the first meeting of the year of the Hancock County Medical Society, held Thursday nigh tat the Columbia Hotel, Dr. Joseph L. Allen, the secretary, produced the old record containing the minutes of the organization meeting of the society, held January 6, 1874, or forty years ago, almost to the day. He read the minutes of that meeting to the physicians present Thursday night, showing that fourteen physicians were present at the organization meeting and not one of them is living now. Dr. M. M. Adams was the last to succumb.

At that first meeting Dr. J. B. Sparks read an essay on "Purulent Pneumonia" and the coincidence was that at the meeting Thursday night this same subject was discussed by Doctor Emerson. His talk was of great interest to the physicians present, who included the new officers of the county association, D. P. E. Trees, of Maxwell, president; Dr. E. R. Sisson, of Greenfield, vice-president; Dr. J. L. Allen of Greenfield, secretary-treasurer; Dr. J. E. Ferrell, of Eden; Dr. Milo Gibbs and Dr. C. K. Bruner, censors; Dr. W. A. Justice and Carl McGaughey, of Greenfield; Dr. C. E. McCord, Dr. S. W. Hervey and Dr. Stuart Slocum, of Fortville; Dr. Edgar A. Hawk, of Finly; Dr. E. E. Mace, of New Palestine; Dr. E. M. Bennett, of Mc Cordsville, members, and Doctor Emerson, dean of the medical department of Indiana University; Doctor Bosworth, of Birmingham, Alabama, and Dr. Max Barrett, Knightstown, visitors.

Following the business session of the association, a five-course banquet was served to the doctors. The Hancock County Medical Association now has twenty members.

The Sixth District Medical Society met in annual session at Greenfield, May 14, 1914, with President Paul; E. Trees, of the Hancock Society, presiding. A program was given, after which the society adjourned to the Columbia Hotel at six o'clock, where members of the Hancock County Society had prepared an elegant dinner. Councilor O. G. Groenedyke presided as toastmaster, and Rev. Joshua Stansfield, of Indianapolis, delivered a splendid address, his subject being, "The Doctor."

The meeting was reported as a very fine one from every point of view. Good work was presented, the attendance was good, and so was the dinner.


Among the last actions that have been taken by the society as a whole has been the adoption of a fee bill. A meeting for the consideration of this matter was held at the Columbia Hotel on Thursday evening, November 12, 1914. A buffet luncheon was served, and good will and unity of action prevailed. As a result of this meeting, a schedule of fees covering all fees of office practice as well as on fees of general practice, including surgery, operations, etc., was agreed upon and the following contract entered into by the undersigned physicians:


This is to Certify, that we, the undersigned physicians, who practice in Hancock County, Indiana, do hereby enter into and agree to the following contract, binding ourselves as men, and pledging our word of honor to not violate the provisions of this agreement in any event or in any manner.

1st. We agree to uphold the dignity of our profession, and will endeavor to follow the revised code of ethics.

2nd.We will adhere strictly to the rates and prices of the fee bill, as herewith appended.

3rd. We will furnish to each physician who signs this agreement, residing with a radius of seven miles of each of us, a list of all persons whom we find to be unworthy of credit, and also another list of those whom we find worthy, but slow pay.

This list to be compiled from our books and sent to the physicians as above indicated, on January 1, 1915, and revised and sent every three months thereafter.

We further agree, that we shall render no aid to a person whose name is on any of the above stated lists, except in an emergency or on the payment of cash for said service.

We further agree to furnish information to any other physician signing this agreement as to the standing of any person of whom he may inquire.

4th. We agree to enter into no contract with any person or persons, official or officials, company, corporation, lodge or other organization to do any practice for any stated contract price or period of time, for any sum other than at least the minimum price, as per the fee bill.

5th. WE agree that this agreement and fee bill shall be effective December 1, 1914.

6th. We agree that the secretary of the Hancock County Medical Society shall cause to be printed copies of this contract and the fee bill, together with a printed card for our officers, stating the most important facts of the fee bill, and that we each pay the pro rata of said expense.

Joseph L. Allen- Greenfield      Stuart Slocum- Fortville
Ernest R. Sisson-Greenfield       J. B. Ellingwood- Fortville
Tyner E. Lowe-Greenfield       C. E. McCord-Fortville
C. W. McGaughey-Greenfield       Charles A. Roark-McCordsville
O. S. Heller- Greenfield       C. J. Kneer- Oaklandon
Rolla B. Ramsey-Greenfield       R. S. Records- Lawrence
J. M. Larimore- Greenfield       L. H. Ratliff-Lawrence
W. R. Johnston-Charlottesville       John P. Black- Greenfield
Paul W. Trees- Maxwell       W. A. Justice- Greenfield
Oliver A. Collins-Mohawk       Milo Gibbs- Greenfield
E. A. Hawk-Finly       C. K. Bruner-Greenfield
Elmer E. Mace-New Palestine       Mary L. Bruner- Greenfield
W. H. Larrabee-New Palestine       I. W. Trees- Greenfield
Earl R. Gibbs- Wilkinson       A. M. Calvert- Lawrence
Charles Titus- Wilkinson       John W. Cook- Pendleton
J. P. Julian- Wilkinson       O. W. Brownbact-Pendelton
Ralph Wilson- Shirley       L. E. Alexander- Pendleton
J. W. Shrout-Shirley       W. R. Sparks- Pendleton
J. E. Ferrell-Fortville       F. L. Stone- Pendleton
S. W. Hervey- Fortville       H. C. Martindale- Pendleton
Lundy Fussell-Markleville       H. B. Cox- Morristown
O. H. Cook- Fortville       F. C. Bass- Morristown
C. B. Pendleton- Markleville       R. S. McCray-Morristown
D. N. Conner- Markleville       W. M. Pierson-Morristown
J. B. Young- Cumberland       V. C. Patten-Morristown
U. C. Ambrose-Cumberland       R. S. Wiltshire-Gwynneville
H. E. Nave-Fountaintown       J. A. Sipe-Carthage
E. B. Miller- Fouintaintown       F. E. Hypes-Carthage


The minutes of the medical society show that a close relationship exists among the professional brethren. Only once within the past forty years were charges preferred by one member against another before the society. Once also has the society refused consultation with a practicing physician because of his unprofessional conduct. Resolutions of appreciation of the ability and services of brethren, as well as of condolence with bereaved families, appear frequently on the record. The society now has twenty members.


The early physician depended on his faithful horse to carry him through the forest, over streams, and whithersoever he was called.

With the construction of better roads following the Civil War, he purchased a cart or buggy in which he made his calls. Within the last decade, however, he has indulged in the greater comfort, and has given his patients the more careful attention, afforded by automobile service.


The following are the physicians now residing within Hancock County, who are engaged in the practice of medicine:

Joseph Alllen-Greenfield       C. K. Bruner- Greenfield
Ernest R. Sisson- Greenfield       Mary L. Bruner- Greenfield
Tyner E. Lowe- Greenfield       *I. W. Trees- Greenfield
C. W. McGaughey-Greenfield       *J. M. Larimore- Greenfield
O. S. Heller-Greenfield       C. Herbert Bruner-Greenfield
John P. Black- Greenfield       W. R. Johnston-Charlottesville
W. A. Justice- Greenfield       Oliver A. Collins- Mohawk
Milo Gibbs- Greenfield       E. A. Hawk- Finly
Lucian C. Ely-New Palestine       W. H. Larrabee-New Palestine
*Samuel S. Boots-Greenfield       J. E. Ferrell-Fortville
*James R. Trees-Greenfield       S. W. Hervey-Fortville
S. L. Witham-Fortville       Stuart Slocum-Fortville
S. D. Clayton-Maxwell       J. B. Ellingwood- Fortville
Earl R. Gibbs- Wilkinson       O. H. Cook- Fortville
Charles Titus- Wilkinson       C. E. McCord- Fortville
J. P. Julian- Wilkinson       O. C. Adkins- McCordsville
J. W. Shrout-Shirley        
Elmer E. Mace- New Palestine      *Retired


In the fall of 1879 Drs. S. S. Boots and John L. Marsh, brother of Ephraim Marsh, commenced the publication of The Independent Medical Investigator. It was at first the intention of the publishers to conduct the paper so that it might be of interest to the laity as well as to the medical profession. Just one issue appeared on this plan. With the second number it was made a strictly professional magazine. It was published for several years at Greenfield by Doctors Boots and Marsh. Later it was transferred to Indianapolis and was published for a number of years as the organ of the eclectic school of medicine. Its publication has since been suspended.


Writing in 1882, Doctor Hervey said, "The entire diathesis of the diseases of the country has changed since forty years ago. The plan of treatment has changed with the change in type and character of disease. The forests have fallen; the sunshine has been let in upon the earth, for centuries covered with thick undergrowth and magnificent forest trees; the ground, then covered in many places with water, has been ditched; the land, so long idle, has been cultivated; obstructions from streams have been removed; old rotting logs and decaying matter have been cleared away. It is, therefore, not strange that malaria should be less, and that the whole character of morbific causatives should undergo a change.

"Forty years ago, blood letting, blistering, calomel and jalap, together with a prolific profusion of emetics, nausaunts and antiphlogistics, were the sheet and anchor. Now the aim of the physician is to save and vitalize the blood, energize and build up the wasting strength, and save all the power of the system to battle disease and perform life's essential functions."

Transcribed from History of Hancock County, Indiana, Its People, Industries and Institutions by George J. Richman, B. L., Federal Publishing Co., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1916. Pages 465-489.

Submitted by Sylvia (Rose) Duda, Laingsburg, MI January 31, 2002.

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